Many students and pupils dream of studying management. Entering a business school can be done in many ways. You can enter just after obtaining a baccalaureate, a BTS or a licence... By knowing some information about management schools, you can make a good choice.

What is a management school?

A management school, often linked to a business school, is a school that allows students to follow a complete training in management, commerce or marketing, etc. France currently has at least 200 schools offering a management course. These schools, despite the similarity of the academic programme they offer, each have their own particularities. Choosing the best one is therefore essential. But choosing a business school is easy because of its reputation. On the Internet, you can find out about the courses and services offered by the various schools. Management studies last 3 to 5 years. The diplomas awarded by management schools in France are recognised by the State: bachelors, specialised masters, MBA. Management schools in France have a good international ranking.

The programme and courses offered by the schools

Being aware of the training programme offered by the schools helps you make your choice. Indeed, the courses chosen should correspond to the student's plans. In any case, a management school in Lyon ECEMA or elsewhere puts forward a programme for acquiring the fundamentals of management accompanied by a personal development programme in the Bachelor cycle. Then, the Master's cycle is devoted to the professional integration and specialisation of each student. Practice is abundantly present in the programme. Schools also organise conferences and seminars several times during the academic year to give students a taste of their future profession with the intervention of a good teacher.

Some tips on how to choose

There are a few things you should consider when choosing your school. Firstly, think about the school's accreditations. Secondly, know the level of training and the skills of the teachers and their number. Try to find out the school's ranking if possible. Next, find out about the school's various services: does it offer online or sandwich courses? You can visit career fairs to find out about the different schools that exist and talk to other students. Schools also hold open days. Visiting the open day gives you an idea of the school and the atmosphere on campus.